Hello Fabulous Women!
It’s that time of the year again – time to register and get ready for Women’s Retreat! The theme this year is “Family Is As Family Does.” We will once again be at Koronis Retreat Center in Paynesville, MN – September 30-October 2.Our keynote speaker this year is Wendy Manuel – a retired chaplain and member of First Christian Church – Minneapolis. She will guide us through the weekend and provide space for us to contemplate:
- Are you blessed with people you consider family through good times and bad?
- Can you choose your family?
- How do you build or build up a Family/Kin/Closeness/Caring?
Questions? Have an idea for a breakout session? Have another gift you want to share? Reach out to our coordinators (and sisters!): Lu Griffin (651-895-7635 Call/Text, or email Grissano@q.com) or Millie Webb (608-212-9706 Call/Text or email at millmow@outlook.com.This year’s retreat will again be offered as a hybrid event with both in-person and online options. You can register for either option here: https://docgeneralassembly.regfox.com/ (if you prefer, print out the online registration and mail it, along with your check, to our treasurer: Anna Bliss, 5305 Aldrich Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419).umw-2022-fall-womens-retreat Early bird registration ends next Wednesday – September 7. General registration deadline is Thursday, September 15 (so we can confirm numbers with Koronis).We look forward to seeing you in person at Koronis – or online over Zoom!